Request A Speaker
From justice-impacted individuals to attorneys, professional social workers and employment specialists, and many other experts, Project RETURN has many supporters who can speak with expertise on issues related to incarceration and re-entry.
If your business, law firm, nonprofit, class, church or other group wants to learn more about these topics and social justice, please reach out to us. __Good stewards of the community. /// We can come to you or provide on-site sessions, for groups small and large. Speakers are also available virtually.__
If you are interested, or just want to learn more, contact Project RETURN Development Coordinator Adam Rogan at [email protected] and get on the path to a deeper knowledge of re-entry and incarceration today.
If your business, law firm, nonprofit, class, church or other group wants to learn more about these topics and social justice, please reach out to us. __Good stewards of the community. /// We can come to you or provide on-site sessions, for groups small and large. Speakers are also available virtually.__
- Presentations must be scheduled in advance. Please contact us several weeks ahead of your desired speaking date, to ensure we can schedule a speaker whose expertise best fits the topic your group is looking to learn about.
If you are interested, or just want to learn more, contact Project RETURN Development Coordinator Adam Rogan at [email protected] and get on the path to a deeper knowledge of re-entry and incarceration today.
One of the best ways to gain understanding of what it's like to experience something you yourself have never been through is to hear someone who has had that experience talk about it ... Hearing personal stories has a unique kind of impact: This could happen to me, or someone I know could be going through this. ” — University of Kansas |