Project RETURN (Returning Ex-incarcerated people To Urban Realities and Neighborhoods) exists to help individuals make a positive, permanent return to community, family and friends.
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To give online with your credit card or your personal PayPal account, please click here or on the secure "Donate" button below. All donations are tax-deductible.
Cash & Check Donations
Checks should be made payable to "Project RETURN."
Please ensure your check or cash donation is delivered to our office: Project RETURN 2821 Vel R Phillips Ave, Suite 223 Milwaukee, WI 53212
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Every year, around 2,500 people return to the Greater Milwaukee Area from incarceration...
Many of these individuals return to the community with little more than the clothes on their back. Project RETURN accepts donations from the community to help with this immediate need for those returning from incarceration.