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You're invited to the 44th Annual Celebrate the RETURN fundraising banquet and silent auction event!
For more than four decades, Project RETURN has helped individuals who have experienced incarceration make a positive, permanent return to community, family and friends. “Celebrate the RETURN” is our major annual fundraising event. This event provides an opportunity to connect to the larger community and celebrate the successes of our clients in obtaining employment, addressing addiction issues, securing housing, obtaining education and other re-entry needs.
Program for the Evening:
5:00 p.m.--Meet and Greet reception, view and bid on silent auction items
6:00 p.m.--Sit down dinner and program, including uplifting testimonials, annual award presentations and powerful live entertainment
Award Winners:
2024 Elijah O’Neal Award Winner: Andron Lane
2024 Don Bein Award Winner: Laura Vuchetich
2024 Gwen Moore Restorative Justice Award Winner: Judge Mary Triggiano
David Murrell
Chelsea Brehmer
Thomas Hines (aka The Narrator), Spoken Word
Carl Fields, Director of Community Engagement, Hospitality Center (Racine, WI)
Location of Event:
Alverno College
3400 S. 43rd St. Milwaukee, WI 53234
Cost (includes dinner):
$75 per person ($35 for students)
$525 for a table of 8